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Get What You Need: Navigating Disability Benefits & Entitlements
Introduction & Overview
Welcome! (0:46)
Course Overview (0:45)
Learning Objectives (0:40)
Throughout the Training (1:20)
Entitlement vs Non-Entitlement Benefits (1:13)
Financial Programs
Financial Programs Overview (0:59)
What is SSDI? (0:21)
Qualifying for SSDI
Applying for SSDI (2:41)
If Rejected for SSDI (1:29)
What is SSI? (0:15)
Qualifying for SSI (0:54)
Applying for SSI (0:54)
Asset Limit Considerations (2:13)
Additional Support - SNAP & TANF (1:14)
Applying for SNAP & TANF (2:12)
Healthcare Coverage Programs
Healthcare Programs Overview (0:47)
Medicaid in Colorado (0:46)
Additional Medicaid Programs (0:59)
Qualifying for Medicaid (0:52)
Applying for Medicaid (0:50)
Community Living
Home & Community Based Serivces (HCBS) (1:40)
Qualifying for HCBS (1:25)
Applying for HCBS (2:49)
After Receiving Benefits (1:26)
TOOL to Organize your Application Materials (0:49)
Conclusion (1:05)
Feedback Survey
Feedback Survey
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